Sunday 2 November 2014

Day 12 - I stink

So the final day on the bike is here, a final 20km cruise down the jeep track - really just a glorified goat track. Bike is knackered now after two weeks of abuse, its been a real adventure and I'm glad my beat up old mountain bike stood the toughest test going.

Ambling through the villages and along the valley, all the children shouting the ubiquitous Namaste at us as we passed before alas David completed the full deck of cards by failing to keep a clean sheet, a nasty crash just a few KM from home, his helmet saving him from a trip to a Nepalese hospital. So all seven of us crashed at least once during the trip, most of them (mine included) low speed faceplant splats thankfully.

And then we arrive into Beni, we all stink and are grey from the mud - the air on the 4 hour bus ride back to Pokhara was rather ripe... 

What a wonderful adventure in an amazing country, such a privilege and pleasure to have spent a couple of week on the road here. I rediscovered my love of the Himalaya and will certainly be back in the future. I discovered a love of trekking / hiking as well, I am sure I will do more of that as well but for now that's it -  a little flight on Monday morning to see the big daddy of all mountains and then the long trip home. Hope you have all enjoyed the pictures.

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